Saturday, November 28, 2009

Confused about a guy please help!?

so i REALLY like this guy..he has a gf from a diff country and shes 17 BUTTTT june 10th shes moving back. i told him that i like him and he acted cool we talked through myspace and he gave me his number. my friend was texting him about him and he said im a really cool friend but i have a gf but id date her if i didnt have a gf.

BUT he does. he said that they are going to break up and not keep a long distance relationship but i cant wait until june.

not to be mean but i mean i really like him.



Confused about a guy please help!?

o.k. he has a girl that lives far away. ask him if he is happy with her. tell him that you really like him but if you can't until June tell him. tell him to make a decision and that you would love it if he moves back in front of you at the lunch table. if he sits across from you he can look into your eyes when and if you two get together.

Confused about a guy please help!?

oh yeah he does have a gf.

so what do u want again??

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