there is this guy i knew him in middle school we use to flirt alot and when he left i was so hurt but then i found him on myspace and we got to talking and he gave me his number and he is gonna visit me over spring break i wanna ask him out then but i dont know what to do or say when i am around him some times i wanna call him just to hear him say my name or hear him breath i really like him and i know hwe likes me but i dont know what to say around him
There iss this guy i like but he moved to florida i still talk to him and i realy like how do i ask him out?
dont go out with him if he lives hours away.... there are plenty of fish in the sea (more guys out there).... but if he is coming to visit you for spring break just hook up...but i wouldnt suggest getting into a long distance relationship...especially if there hasn't been a committed relationship before hand
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