Monday, November 30, 2009

So this guy...?

Theres this guy I know. I used to like him before and he did too. He even told me he used to like me. But he has a girlfriend of 4 months. He told all of his friends and few of my friends that he liked me. At first, I liked it. But now I'm getting very annoyed and I dont like him anymore. One of my friends asked me why I dont like him and she told me he keep telling my friends that he likes me. I'm so irratated and he would always stare at me whenever he sees me. But at the same time, whenever I see his love comments on his myspace, I get a little bit jealous. What should I do? please help?

So this guy...?

find out what his intentions are. maybe talk to him or something and if it doesnt work out, then move on. :(

So this guy...?

write shorter stories!

So this guy...?

Make up your mind. You can't have it both ways.

So this guy...?

that guy is just messing with both of you....his going out with a girl, send her love comments...but then he tells people that he likes you and stares at you...nah, foret about him, his just messing with you guys

So this guy...?

Ouch. Yeah, I guess you should try to make up your mind. Just like think about it-y do u get jealous? y don't u like him? y does it annoy u and stuff like that

after sorting it out-it might help u

So this guy...?

He's got a girl...try to get him off your mind.

So this guy...?

I think you had a crush on him and now you're over it. Now you like the attention and that's all.

If he *really* liked you he would have left his girlfriend.

So this guy...?

if he annoys you and you are really not interested, tell him you will show his g/f the comments he wrote on myspace.

So this guy...?

You seem to have a crush on him and he seems to be taking advantage of you even if he likes you. Forget him because he has a girlfriend and it wont be fair for her. If he leaves his girlfriend then if you want go out with him but as long as he is seeing someone get over him. There is alot of fish in the ocean, im sure you'll find someone else.

Good Luck

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