Monday, November 30, 2009

Ok so theres this guy I didnt like and now i do....?

Ok So This Guy lets call him Jon *Not Real Name* asked me out in the middle of the summer the 1st time i said no because i didint know him that well He was a friend of a friend...then we started talking but not that 2 weeks later he asked me out again i said idk im not going to answer (because he was going to Vegas and i wanted him to have fun...) He Kinnda acted upset... So when he Got Back we Talked on And off....Then out of nowhere starts going out with this one chick and says he loves we stop talking for a while then i started to regret not going out with him so i tried to keep in touch if i was lucky he would reply back finally i told him i was sorry i didnt answer him when he asked me out.. and then i asked him to go out with me and he wont answer me....

Is this like revenge...or what....should i give upp?

*I Talked to him mostly on myspace...*

Ok so theres this guy I didnt like and now i do....?

lol yea it was revenge i know cuz once this boy (lets call him mark )((its not his real name) ) asked me out. he was the first one to ever ask me out , so i was happy and said yes. a month later he broke up with me. i was devastated and felt really low. the next year we wore in diffrent classes so we didnt talk much, but the year after that we wore in the same class again. and i started dressing diffrently to get boys to like me i even let my hair grow. so he saw me and told me i looked hott and asked me out again. i said yes, then 3 weeks later the boy(lets call him james) i really liked asked me out i said yes and broke up with "mark" he was mad and blah blah blah. then james broke up with me for a tramp and mark asked me out AGAIN and i AGAIN said yes we went out for 2 days and he broke up with me to get revenge. thats how boys are

(sorry 4 amking this so long)

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