Monday, November 30, 2009

How do I tell a guy that I like him?

ok... so I broke up with my ex- boyfriend a few days ago. And I told this guy about the breakup. He just broke up with his girlfriend after Valentine's day a few weeks ago. We have contacted each other by myspace and txting. We haven't really talked face to face even though we have 2 classes together. What's funny is that he is a twin and I used to have a crush on his twin brother before him. Anyways, I really like him. Whenever I see him I get butterflies in my stomach. He seems really nice too...well at least to me he is. Alot people think that his bro and him are very annoying. On one of his myspace bulletins he answered a survey and answered one question that he wants to know if a girl likes him. On his site he also says that he wants to go out with a girl who is outgoing. But I'm not very outgoing and can be shy sometimes. So should I tell him that I like him? or is it too early and straight foward? please give me some advice... Thanks in advance everyone!

How do I tell a guy that I like him?

Tell him

answer my question please:;...

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