Monday, December 28, 2009

How do i tell this guy i like him?

Well there is this guy. We always talk like before school, inbetween classes, and after school. He put me as his number one on myspace a couple nights ago. And some of my best friends think that he likes me. But im still unsure. HELP!!

How do i tell this guy i like him?

Flirt with him and see how he reacts. Be patient and let him make the first move by asking you out.





How do i tell this guy i like him?

well it sounds like he likes u. or u could just be a good friend. the only way to find out is to ask him out (u could have a friend ask him out for u). if he says yes then he likes u. of he says no thne probaly doesnt like u. or u could just wait longer and see wat else he does. or ask a friend of his if he likes u.

good luck!

How do i tell this guy i like him?

well ask if hes single then ask what type of gurl he likes 50 50 he might say one like u.

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