Monday, December 28, 2009

My friend told on this one guy in school who sexually harrassed her best friend and now she's b

online and physically.

the guy who she told on wrote a comment on one of his friend's myspaces:

(his username is "julius is mega cool"; you can see his comment like halfway down the comments section)

and as if that's not bad enough, his friends are all laughing about it and saying "you're not going to get in trouble for that?" and "who did you feel up? did it feel good?" and stuff like that.

it's gross.

my friend's name is sharon, and not only did she see her friend get harrassed but she overheard him saying that he's going to do it to another one of her friends.

she wants me to tell the guidance counselor again because she already went to tell but i'm scared because... what if that starts happening to me?

what should i do?

i'm really, really scared.

My friend told on this one guy in school who sexually harrassed her best friend and now she's being bullied?

if your worried about going to the counciller youself then you need to tell this situation to your parents and ask them to ring the school for you explaining how scared you are that you may end up being a target..

maybe also find a teacher you trust and tell them emphasising how important it is you want to remain anonymous..

it is important that you do tell someone because it will only get worse, or others will copy the behaviour thinking it is acceptable.

good luck

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