Friday, December 25, 2009

Should i dump this guy?

there is this guy that i am dating right now and he is really immature and he scared to do anything like hold my hand or make the first move... and on top of it all i have dated him 4 times and i always have to call him and the only time he talks to me is on myspace or aim.... what should i do??? PLEASE HELP i need the advice and fast

Should i dump this guy?

WOW!!!! all I can say is that is almost EXACTLY like me and my boyfriend...Maybe you are the first person he's to him about it...he IS your boyfriend. Hope this helps;)


Should i dump this guy?

sugar, i would...he doesn't seem like he's very interested, shy or not...u shouldn't have 2 chase him...

Should i dump this guy?

He's not ready for a full time girlfriend yet if ever.

Should i dump this guy?

dump him he's a wimp u don't want that in ur life

Should i dump this guy?

he might be a little shy. how would u like a guy who is just opposite and asking for sex every hour. so think of that, and try to talk to him and find what he thinks about this. u just need to open him up. may be play the part of a guy.

Should i dump this guy?

Dump this guy quickly! You deserve a guy who cares enough to call you and to talk to you in person. If he's immature, that begs the question why your'e with him in the first place, but I'll wave that point. Also: why have you gone back to him so many times? Has it ever worked out? Just turn tail and go, but leave an explanation first.

Should i dump this guy?

He's shy and trying to impress you by being funny. I tell you what here's the deal. You try to make the first move and see how he reacts. If he likes it, stay. Doesn't like it, break up. Simple.

Should i dump this guy?

if you're looking for something more serious then you should dump him, hes probably just playing games. if you like him try to talk to him about it... if it continues... move on... aint worth it cause lord knows theres tons better out there...

Should i dump this guy?

I use to be like this.. He is not ready for a real relationship!

Should i dump this guy?

Is he a pisces, cause we are emotional people :) Really though, let him know how you feel, but don't attack him, just try to be subtle, and see how he responds. How old are you btw, because if your a teen and he is, then teens generally are immature, especially the guys. Maybe he needs to be coaxed into doing the things you like, drop hints, etc, but don't push him. Seems he needs help with his social skills, and the only way to get out of that is to work with him on it.

Should i dump this guy?

do not ask me or anybody this is not our realatoin ship

Should i dump this guy?

well I think you answered your question you find him immature to your needs so why do you still want him? Ask yourself do I want to be with this person that cannot make me happy? then ask is holding hands in public important to you? When you look inside at your questions the answer is there! Be true to yourself!

Should i dump this guy?

he might be unscure of him self and he needs somone there to do everything well i think that you should say that it is not working and i really want to talk to you in person or on the phone that would be nice sorry i was not much more help then that.

Should i dump this guy?


Should i dump this guy?

I think you should just back off and wait and see what he does. If you back off and he doesn't contact you etc then he obviously just doesnt care. Shy or not - if he really likes you and you've already been out on dates then he should be able to at least pick up a phone. If he really does like you and he thinks he's about to lose you then that should be enough to get his butt into gear.

Another idea would be to talk to him. Don't get too full on just say to him even over aim or something "hey what's going on with us cos it seems like you aren't really interested". Don't make it like a full on "you must tell me now" question - just give him something to think about, and the opportunity to let you know how he feels.

Just remember - you don't want to waste your time with someone who doesn't care - but you also don't want to just walk away from someone who could potentially be the best thing that's ever happened to you.

Good luck.

Should i dump this guy?

He does not seem that interested cause trust me if a guy were, he would get ahold of you and it would not be this on again off again thing you hear about. I'm in the same boat with this guy, kind of. I know he is not interested enough in me as I once was with him. Its always been one-sided. So I kind of moved on and don't look forward to his e-mails any more but do reply when he does want to meet but then I know the reason why and so I make the decision not to meet him cause I am through with him just calling me for sex.

So don't waste too much time with him like I did. When its right for both people its a two way street. Not just one sided.

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