Friday, December 25, 2009

How to work the shy guy?

i like a shy guy. im sure he likes me to.he would always stare at me, accediently take my thing, then come to give them back, lingering smiles, long eyecontacts across the room, even when we are close, always smiles then looks at the floor smiling, shy hellos etc

anyway i sent him an email to join myspace.he never replied. he stopped saying hello and looking at me to my face. but he still keeps looking at me, staring at me when he thinks im not looking.

then one time i saw him in the libary, he was standing like a meter,behind me. i saw him starring at me in the reflection infront. he didnt know i was looking at him. but he stood there starring at me for like 8/10 sec straight. then he started saying hello to me again from that moment on.

does he still like me?

im really shy to. but what can i do?

whats the right thing to do? seems the email scared him away. so? what now?

i really really really like him. we are 21/22

How to work the shy guy?

First, it's great that you're overcoming your own shyness.

Second, put him in positions where he has to talk to you for a couple of sentences or else be impolite. Nothing more than that, at first.

Then keep building up.

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