Monday, December 28, 2009

What should I say to a guy I like and I know who likes me also?

I worked with this guy during the summer and went to College during the year. We stayed friends through the magic of MySpace. Every once and while I might say something to him and he responds. From time to time he says things to me and I respond with a witty but cute come back. When we first started to work together, he did ask me out but I said no. I didn't know him at all and I wasn't too sure about getting involved with him. Now, I know him a lot better and I don't know how to go at asking him out or getting him to ask me out again.

What should I say to a guy I like and I know who likes me also?

Cece, I think your approach was pretty good. You gave the guy a chance to get to know you online and at work. Now you are comfortable with him I would say. So now you owe it to him to say, " I turned you down at first but now that I know you better, I would be glad to go out with you". Yeah, get him to take you out a few times and see for yourself how things are with him. The rest is up to you.

What should I say to a guy I like and I know who likes me also?

Ask him out for a coffee.

What should I say to a guy I like and I know who likes me also?

you should ask him out

What should I say to a guy I like and I know who likes me also?

Propose him or if u r too shy just bring back the topic of asking out ....he will get the hint all rite !!!

What should I say to a guy I like and I know who likes me also?

walk up to him and say is that offer of a date still on the table ?

What should I say to a guy I like and I know who likes me also?

Pardon me, but would you have any grey poupon?

What should I say to a guy I like and I know who likes me also?

Said,"want to have some hot sex?"

What should I say to a guy I like and I know who likes me also?

ask him out!

What should I say to a guy I like and I know who likes me also?

You can't just wait, you have to go out there and get what's yours. Bring up the time he asked you out..."Hey, remember last month when you wanted to take me out to dinner, what time do you want to pick me up on Friday?" If he asks why you changed your mind, tell him what you said on know him in a co-worker way and he seems like someone you would get along with and would like to know a little more about him outside of work. Don't wait, there could be another girl who wants to move in too!

What should I say to a guy I like and I know who likes me also?

Ask him out to lunch

What should I say to a guy I like and I know who likes me also?

Give him subtle hints as to your interest in him. As him if he likes to go to the movies or whatever you wanna do. If he shares your interests you can make a statement like "maybe we could do that sometime" I doubt he will say no. Then you give him a day when you will like to do it and see what happens.

If he doesn't share your interest, ask him what he like to do and say that you always wanted to try that. Take it from there.

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