So, I'm a freshman %26amp; I'm going to homecoming with a cute sophmore named Steve I actually just met at our school football game a week ago. He's really nice %26amp; pretty hott too, so even though I don't know him very well yet its okay. He's friends with alot of people I'm friends with %26amp; all; we've talked alot this week. Apparently, Steve really likes me, according to alot of his friends, %26amp; I kind of have a feeling he's going to ask me out sometime before HC. I guess I like him a little [not a major spark though], but anyways there's one person holding me back from dating Steve - or any other guy ...
... the main problem in any attempt I ever make at a relationship for going on 2 years now - my sophmore best guy friend Eric. =/ I've been really good friends with him since 7th grade when we met, %26amp; I think I've liked him - whether I'll admit it to myself or not - for almost that long. Crazy, I know. Especially since he's not like the classic hott guy - he's literally 6'5" %26amp; extremely skinny - kind of cute in a geeky way, but he's popular too. He's incredibly nice, we have everything in common from our senses of humor to both being total klutzes to our music taste, and he's smart and funny. Apparently at times before he's liked me too but neither of us told each other [we've talked about it later]. He has no idea that I still like him - %26amp; I'm totally afraid to tell him because I'm pretty sure he sees us as just best friends - he thinks I'm pretty, but thats not really a basis for a relationship. I know you might tell me to just get over him, but its not that simple. I really, really like him - like when he does even the stupidest things [covering himself in body paint for a game even tho he's extremely skinny %26amp; looking like a total idiot, "borrowing" my myspace, ect.] it just makes me like him even more. He can change my whole day around and when I'm trying to make myself get over him, make me like him again in a second. Today, actually, I had had a really horrible day at school and was just getting ready to catch the bus when he runs up to me and gives me a big hug and says I looked like a needed a hug.. %26amp; just like that, my day was a little better %26amp; I found myself thinking of just how much I like Eric.
So, my question is, if Steve asks me out, should I say yes and just date him kinda casually %26amp; hope I can get over Eric? Or would that be unfair to Steve, because I know I'll secretly be hoping that he makes Eric jealous enough to say if he has any feelings for me? I'd like to have a boyfriend, just because I'm happier taken. Who should I go for, %26amp; how ?! Thank you guys.. I really need the advice. =/
Completely hate this - who should I go for ? Best friend or new guy ? =/?
sweetie. you're not being fair to steve guy.
i can see you really like eric. and im pretty sure he likes you too. cuz when a guy likes a girl for a long time, its way harder for them to get over girls. trust me on this.
you should ask eric.
dont give up on him yet, you dont even know if he doesnt like you or not!
good luck
Completely hate this - who should I go for ? Best friend or new guy ? =/?
ive been here so plz take my advice!!! u will lose them both in the end if u pick steve. stick with eric. using ppl only causes them to hate u. say that u just want to stay friends. ur better off having both as friends than both as enemies
Completely hate this - who should I go for ? Best friend or new guy ? =/?
Ok well i say go fot ur guy friend!! I mean steve could be a jerk for all u know and besides if u want eric to get jeloiuos then i say that u still like him because...well think about it u didnt want eric to tell u that he likes u then why whould u want that? I say go out with steve and then if eric tells u he likes u then tell him u feel the same way.... GOOD LUCK!
Completely hate this - who should I go for ? Best friend or new guy ? =/?
That would be totally unfair to Steve. You should sit Eric down and have a long heart to heart chat with him and ask him how he feels about you. You have obviously expressed interest in each other in the past. Maybe he is thinking the same thing that you are, that he likes you but you may reject him. Tell him exactly how you are feeling and how you have felt since 7th grade. At the very least you will have gotten it off your chest and will feel better. Don't forget to listen to him when he answers too. If you get the answers that you want to hear so badly from him then ask him out.
Completely hate this - who should I go for ? Best friend or new guy ? =/?
Go for the best friend.
You seem like you like him alot. You just have to get over your fears, and ask him. For what both of us know, youd be happier with eric. You like Eric because he loves you for who you are. Steve is a mystery. Its safe to say youd be happier with eric, he sounds like a nice guy.
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