Sunday, December 6, 2009

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

My boyfriend and I don't have a good relationship anymore. He slept with a close friend of mine when we were on a "break". He's edited his Myspace to say single and his About Me to speak nothing of me. He has no pictures of me in his phone and I have him as my screen saver. He erased my phone number out of his phone. I mean, it's like we are not even together even though we have been for 18 months. I feel like I can't trust him, but I can never catch him in anything. I don't think I can sleep tonight because he hasn't called me all day... How can I dump him without feeling like I've made a mistake %26amp; find a good guy who will treat me like I'm supposed to be treated?

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

looks like you don't need to dump him anymore. He's already dumped YOU.

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

i think he's basically trying to get you to take the hint.... he's over with the relationship... you need to take him off of everything you've got.. don't even talk to him about it... let him no that you got the point. Report It

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

tell him that hes a asshol e

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

slept with your best friend?!? that is definitely a reason to dump him. if you dump him there are no mistakes made. just think of all the things bad he's done and then break up with him and there will not be ANY regrets. hope i helped! :)

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

look if you want to break up with him just do it and dont think that u have made a mistake because he slept with your friend and he does'nt want to talk to you and trust me u will find someone who will treat u good every one does and you are nice so you will find someone

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

How can you make a mistake? From the way you describe it, its obvious that he's moved on. Just say, "This relationship isn't going anywhere anymore. I think we should separate for good." Stop acting like a baby and move on.

Cheaters don't deserve pity.

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

well u love him so u will definately get hurt over it but itrs better to do it nowget it over with n heal be4 u find someone new than delay it and maybe feel like u r stuck when u have a kid or when u get married

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

Well finding a good guy should be very easy for a beautiful asian woman such as yourself. You just need to be sure you get to know the person before you engage in sexual activity that way you know he is not using you.

It seems to me like cheating on you would be reason enough to break it off. Even if you were on a break, he should still have had a strong emotional attachment to you and not even had the idea of sleeping with someone else, especially if he planned to reunite with you. It sounds to me as if he has already setup everything to end the relationship by not making contact with you and removing any hint of you from all his personal items. I would just tell him it's clear he is not interested and you feel mistreated and that you could find better and end it. You can find better, and you will. He was a lucky guy to find a girl who seems devoted and gorgeous at the same time, his loss, move on :) Good Luck!

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

Well dont feel bad okay this is what to say You:"things aren't really working out here and i'm afraid i'll have to dump you" thats it its ova well i hope so:p

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

why do you ask all these questions. other people cant tell you what to do eventually life is all about the choices you make.

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

just say good by and go you're different ways. he slept with you're best friend, common darling you should of dumped him then. Ask youre self are you happy? save youre self the stess and leave him. Maybe you should post on yahoo personals seems to work for a lot of good luck

How do you lose a guy in TEN minutes?

It sounds like your only mistake was him. Take it as a lesson learned and move on. There are alot of good guys out there. You just have to be willing and ready to weed through the bad. Now you know a little more what to look for. Good luck with things.

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