Thursday, December 3, 2009

I need help with a guy problem, please :]]?

So I like this guy %26amp; we're still in that "I don't really know what to say [awkward silence]" phase. But we talk a lot on myspace %26amp; texting %26amp; stuff. I found out he liked me, %26amp; then I just started liking him. He's cute %26amp; everything. But I just found out that his last gf dumped him because when they started going out she just stopped liking him. What the hell? Should I dig deeper %26amp; find out why or just mind my own business?

And, my parents are really overprotective about the whole guy thing. What do I do if he asks me out? Thanks so much for the help in advance! :]

I need help with a guy problem, please :]]?

don't think about it so much. let things happen naturally.. laugh, smile, and enjoy each other. you aren't his ex obviously so you could find something really great about this guy that his ex failed to see.

I need help with a guy problem, please :]]?

I think you should just give it a try. If you both like each other right now, then you should be together. However, you need to be open for whatever the outcome may be, and be willing to adapt there after. Hope this helps.


I need help with a guy problem, please :]]?

Well I dont think you need to dig thru d matter. you may scare him away. Just be natural and open. you both like each other so y not give it a try. As tym goes on you'll find out if there's sth. If he ask you out go ahead and accept it. Have fun and dont worry much about his past. but i think you can ask'im about his ex. - well, some guys wount talk about their ex. so dont be suspicious if he's uneasy ab't that topic. but i think he'll tell u if you ask. but if he's just natural ab't it then you shouldn't worry. Just enjoy yourself.

I need help with a guy problem, please :]]?

dont worry about hte ex. she prob just started to like another guy. just cuz she stoped lieking him doesnt mean there is nething wrong with him. and WHEN he ask u out just tell him straight up. i like u and id liek to go out with u but my parents are gonna be overprtective so we might have to keep it on the DL somewat.

I need help with a guy problem, please :]]?

I do not think that you need to dig deeper into his relationship with his ex. If you are to date him you just need to let things happen on its own.. because you are not his ex.

About you parents, i think the first thing you should do is talk to your parents about the whole dating scene, help them understand than your getting older and want to start dating. If they understand than if he asks you out, and you want to.. say yes.

If they say no, than you could respect your parents and just let them get to know the guy (maybe hell grow on them) And than if he asks you out you don't need to say no.. but just inform him of your situation.

I hope things work out for the best.. keep me posted


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